Broward County Assault Charges Lawyer
What is Assault and Aggravated Assault?
Assault is considered the threat of violence or physical assault upon another, without actually carrying out the threat. Most often charged along with Battery, which is the actual physical harm caused to another, Assault & Battery is a common offense. However, when charged only with Assault or Aggravated Assault, this does not mean there are not steep penalties for this charge. Although no actual physical harm may have been caused, the attempt or threat is itself a crime punishable by harsh penalties. If you have a prior criminal record, used a deadly weapon during the assault or threaten a police officer, battery may be classified as anywhere between a first degree misdemeanor all the way to a first degree felony. Penalties may range from up to 12 months in jail all the way to 30 years in state prison.
It is very possible to successfully defend assault charges with the help of a skilled criminal defense attorney. In Broward County and Ft. Lauderdale, the Law Offices of Michael Mirer is here to protect your rights to legal counsel and provide a strong defense on your behalf.
Broward County Assault Defense
Broward County assault attorney Michael Mirer can aggressively defend you if you or someone you know has been accused of assault or aggravated assault in Broward County or the surrounding areas in South Florida. With over ten years experience as a criminal defense lawyer and a former Miami-Dade prosecutor who participated in over 100 trials, Attorney Michael Mirer has the experience and background you need when facing such serious charges. With his strong legal background, he understands both sides of the criminal process in Florida and is therefore able to present an aggressive and thorough defense for you. Contact Attorney Mirer right away to protect your rights and freedom!
Contact the Law Offices of Michael Mirer for experienced legal counsel handling assault and aggravated assault charges.
Former Prosecutor
Attorney Mirer knows both sides of the courtroom and can build a defense that fights prosecution tactics.
After An Arrest
We've provided answers to some of the most common questions we hear from clients on our FAQ page.
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