Domestic Violence Charges in Broward County
Have You Been Accused of Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence has been on the rise recently, especially due to the recent economic situation which can lead to undue stress in the home. Domestic violence is considered to be an act of aggression against someone in the home, such as a husband, wife, child or anyone else residing in the household. It is not always evident that violence is occurring in the home, with families having the appearance of normalcy but with a possible underlying problem. Because domestic violence situations can become quite dangerous, not only for the family but for law enforcement, they are looked upon very seriously. Domestic violence cases are investigated and prosecuted diligently by local law enforcement. If you or a loved one has been the victim of or been accused of domestic violence, contacting a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in Broward County or Ft. Lauderdale is vital to protecting your rights.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you must immediately report the matter to the police. Your safety and that of your family is vital, so informing the police of the matter is crucial. If needed, the Law Offices of Michael Mirer will be able to issue a restraining order on your behalf to assist your safety. On the other hand, if you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, you will definitely need our services to dispute and defend you against these charges. Some of the charges we can defend you on include:
- Child Abuse
- Spousal Rape
- Sexual Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Child Neglect or Endangerment
Whatever your situation, whether a victim of domestic violence or facing domestic violence charges, we our dedicated and aggressive attorneys who can assist you with whatever options are needed to handle the case. Attorney Mirer has years of experience handling family law issues and will be able to take whatever steps are needed to resolve your situation.
Finding an Effective Domestic Violence Lawyer
When facing a domestic violence issue, you have rights and options. The Law Offices of Michael Mirer has over ten years experience providing excellent legal counsel to our community. With his strong background not only as a criminal defense lawyer, but as a former prosecutor, his well rounded skill enables him to defend his clients in a manner that most often ends in success. The penalties for domestic violence are severe, and can include extensive jail time, fines and mandatory anger management rehabilitation. Don't let your future and freedom be taken away, contact our office for a free initial consultation.
If you have been accused of domestic violence, contact the Law Offices of Michael Mirer for dedicated and effective legal counsel.
Former Prosecutor
Attorney Mirer knows both sides of the courtroom and can build a defense that fights prosecution tactics.
After An Arrest
We've provided answers to some of the most common questions we hear from clients on our FAQ page.
Request a Consultation
Call our office or complete our free online case evaluation form to get started on your defense.